918-396-2295 x1606
Financial Information
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918-396-2295 x1606
918-396-1790 x2425
Medications that are dispensed at school must be provided by the parent/guardian. We do not purchase any medication for the students. Please feel free to send a sealed bottle of over-the-counter or prescription medication to the school and we will keep it in the office for your child. All medication must be brought in by the guardian in the original, sealed container with the students name on the bottle. There must be a Parental Authorization to Administer Medication Form signed and on file. Forms are available online or in the school office.
Prescription medication will only be dispensed if to be given during school hours. Morning doses of medication must be given at home. Students may not carry any type of medication on them while at school or on the bus. Students with asthma may carry an inhaler if they are in middle or high school and have completed the correct forms. The school nurse will dispose of medication not picked up the last day of school. A new Parental Authorization to Administer Medication Form must be signed each year.
If a child becomes ill or develops a contagious condition while at school, parents will be notified to come for him/her immediately. Children are considered to be sick if the child has a fever greater than 100, or has vomiting or diarrhea. Students are not allowed back in school until they have been fever free, diarrhea free, and have not vomited for a period of 24 hours. The student needs to be free of these symptoms without the aid of any medication such as Tylenol, anti-diarrhea medicine, etc. Students brought back to school before this 24 hour period has passed will not be permitted to stay.
If your child has any skin rash, lesion, or open wound that can’t be identified, they must be seen by a physician. The school nurse is not able to make a medical diagnosis of any kind. The school must have a written physician’s statement that the child is not contagious if he/she returns to school while the symptoms are still present. All open wounds must be covered while at school.
Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) is highly contagious and those students will need to be excluded from school until 24 hours after they begin treatment.
Students with head lice will be sent home upon discovery of lice by the school nurse. The student will need to be checked by the nurse before they return to class. We are working very hard to eliminate head lice from our school, but we need parents to screen children routinely at home. The most important step of head lice treatment is nit removal.
Please continue to remember that Skiatook Public Schools are nut sensitive environments. We have a few students that have severe reactions to peanuts and Nut products. We no longer serve peanut products in the cafeteria. We are asking parents to be aware of these allergies when sending snacks and lunches. The best way to ensure that the food does not contain peanuts or other nuts is to read allergy warnings on the labels on food. Anything manufactured in a plant that processes peanuts and other nuts can still cause a reaction.
Medical Information Documents (PDF Format, click to view/print)
Head lice (pediculosis) is not a reportable disease in Oklahoma. Head lice are parasitic insects called Pediculus humanus capitis, which are commonly found in a human’s hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Head lice can cause irritation to the scalp or other areas when the organism feeds on blood at the surface of the skin. Head lice rely on the warmth of their hosts to reproduce. The insect, Pediculus humanus capitis, is roughly the size of a sesame seed. Head lice can crawl very quickly, but cannot jump or fly.
There are three forms of lice: egg, nymph, and adult. The eggs (nits) are very small, hard to see, and are often confused with dandruff or hair spray droplets. They are oval and usually yellow to white. Nits are laid by the adult female at the base of the hair shaft near the scalp, firmly attached to the hair shaft, and take about 1 week to hatch. The nit hatches into a baby louse (nymph), which feeds on the blood of the host. Nymphs mature into adults (louse) about 7 days after hatching. The adult louse is about the size of a sesame seed, has six legs, and is tan to grayish white. Adult lice can live up to 30 days on a person’s head.
The most common sign of a recent head lice infestation is itching of the head and scalp, particularly at the back of the head and around the ears. Itching can also be the result of an allergic reaction to the bites. An individual may also experience a tickling feeling of something moving in the hair. As a symptom of scratching, sores may be present on an individual’s scalp. Diagnosis is performed by a trained person who searches for signs of the insects in the hair and scalp. Because lice are quick moving and may not be easily seen, finding eggs within ¼ inch of the scalp is confirmation of an infestation.
Anyone who comes in direct contact with someone who already has head lice is at risk of infestation. Head lice may also be acquired from contact with clothing (such as hats, scarves, coats) or other personal items (brushes or towels) that belong to an infested individual. Transmission of both live insects and eggs can result in infestation.
Head lice are treated with medication and manual removal. Pediculocides are prescription medications directly applied to infested areas that kill head lice. It is important to remove as many lice and nits as possible.
How to prevent head lice infestation:
Teach children not to share clothing, hats, brushes, or combs with other children.
Make head checks part of routine hygiene. Check children’s heads as soon as signs of infestations occur. The earlier lice are found, the easier they are to treat.
Teach children to hang coats and other personal belongings so that they don’t touch the coats or personal belongings of other students.
Work with schools as necessary to eliminate head lice.
If you or someone you care about is feeling desperate, alone or hopeless you can call the free, 24-hour hotline at 1-800-722-3611
For more information, go to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline